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House And Land Packages NSW

House And Land Packages NSW

House And Land Packages NSW

As the city of Sydney has expanded outwards due to a growing and moving population over the past few decades into the vast expanse that is commonly referred to as Greater Sydney, a great number of new land developments are constantly popping up all over the place. Most commonly these new land developments in Sydney are occurring in suburbs that decades ago would have been considered semi rural or even rural in areas such as North Western Sydney, South Western Sydney, and Western Sydney. As the centre of population has shifted outwards and with areas such as Parramatta becoming more of a major city than previously, the demand for both housing and land has increased in these previously fringe areas.

A common trend that has occurred in recent decades in these previously scarcely populated areas is multiple house and land developments thus leading to the increase of house and land packages in NSW, with the evolving popularity of these developments among both property developers and potential home buyers alike. There are a number of benefits of house and land packages, however they are not for everyone, so let us have a look at the benefits and who is best suited for them.

What is a Home and Land Package?

Firstly, what is a house and land package? A house and land package is exactly as it sounds. It is a package where a buyer will purchase a piece of land and also the construction of a house on that piece of land, however as opposed to buying an existing property, two contracts are ultimately done under different contracts (one for the land and one for the house), due to the fact the purchase is from two separate entities.

Benefits of House and Land Packages

There are a number of benefits of buying a house and land package in NSW, with most of these benefits coming down to the various savings on the traditional purchase of land with a pre-existing dwelling.

Value For Money

One of the main benefits of purchasing a house and land package is the value for money of the purchase and the money that can be saved as opposed to traditionally purchasing an older pre-existing house on a block of land. When purchasing an existing dwelling it is most likely not going to be perfect and there may be hidden costs with things that break earlier on after the purchase or need fixing due to the fact that they have already aged, e.g. the pipes under the kitchen sink, however when purchasing a house and land package in Western Sydney, this is not the case as the dwelling will be newly built.

Another factor that will be a money saver is not needing to undergo potentially costly renovations. Even though you may come across an existing dwelling that you really like, it is more likely than not that there will be things that you would like to change and therefore spending money on renovations. With a newly built house, these specifics can be included during the planning stage and building process so that further renovations are not needed.

Saving on Stamp Duty

Generally speaking, when an existing dwelling or piece of land is purchased in New South Wales, stamp duty needs to be paid on the purchase which is an upfront lump sum payment and can oftentimes be burdensome on the buyer. When you purchase a house and land package in NSW, you will only pay the stamp duty on the land that is purchased, and this in itself can lead to a considerable amount in savings.

Savings on Interest Rates

Interest rates have the potential to take up a large chunk of any budget for a property purchase (even more so depending on the economic cycle and when interest rates are comparatively high). When purchasing a house and land package in NSW, typically two loans need to be taken out for the total purchase, the first loan is to cover the cost of the land whereas the second loan covers the cost of the dwelling being built. According to the CBA, the second “construction loan” is drawn down at an agreed amount at each stage of the construction process. This process in effect means that interest is only being paid on the money used at each stage and ultimately will lead to lower interest rate payments on the overall loan.

Tailor Made Designs

With house and land packages in South Western Sydney, another one of the main advantages for many buyers is the ability to plan and build a home to their own specifications. This has the financial advantages of not needing to undergo further renovations or modifications and also has the benefits of being able to build (within reason), exactly what you would like to have in house and where you would like it to be.

Who Should Buy a House and Land Package

House and land packages in NSW are perfect purchasing options for a number of different types of home buyers and at a number of different stages during the buying stage.

First Home Buyers

With the number of savings on offer with home and land packages in NSW, they are the perfect option for first home buyers due to their affordability, and when the first home buyers grant is also taken into consideration, this becomes an even cheaper option. Home and land packages are also suited to first home buyers due to not having to worry about the cost of renovations or repairs from old material or components that break (it can already be financially stressful enough for first home buyers let alone needing to worry about more expenses and issues such as this).

Growing Families

As with first home buyers, house and land packages in NSW are the perfect choice for young and growing families. With the ability to tailor make a house the needs of a young growing family can be taken into consideration when designing and building the floor layout and there are also the cost savings associated with a house and land package in Western Sydney which is extremely beneficial when there are little ones around who can be a financial stress all on their own. The other advantage for growing families is that it allows for space such as backyards at an affordable price.

Property Investors

House and land packages in Western Sydney are the perfect purchase options for property investors for a number of reasons. The first reason being that with the increase in population growth and the ever expanding boundaries of Greater Sydney, these areas are likely to become more in demand and as such both property and land prices will increase over time. The second advantage of house and land packages in South Western Sydney for property investors is that a recently built dwelling will have much more appeal to potential renters than an older dwelling and as such this can have the potential to charge higher rental fees. The third advantage for property investors is that being a newly built dwelling and especially with a number of the efficiencies that are incorporated into new buildings today, there may be cost savings. An example of this would be that new dwellings often rely on less electricity, so this is a cost that would be reduced. There are also tax breaks that can be claimed with depreciation of the value of a new home being able to be claimed as a tax deduction.

The Best House and Land Package

A perfect example of a house and land package in Western Sydney is HYG’s upcoming The Meadows” development located in Caddens. This project will be offering a total of 185* house and land packages which combine family friendly living alongside the beautiful Blue Mountains, as such this would be the perfect residence for young, growing families as affordability meets suburban living. 


With house and land packages in NSW being a perfect and affordable way to develop property and purchase property and land for a number of different types of buyers and investors, the growth and development of house and land packages will only further increase in the future. If you have any questions or would like to further enquire about house and land packages in Western Sydney, whether you are interested in the purchase of house and land or looking for a developer to manage a house and land project, please don’t hesitate to contact us at HYG.

*Subject to change
